Key Publications
Cerase A.*,π, Armaos A.*, Neumayer C., Avner P., Guttmanπ, and Tartaglia G.π. Phase separation drives X chromosome Inactivation: a hypothesis. πCorresponding author. * joint-first author. Nat. Str. Mol. Bio. 2019 May; 26(5):331-334.
Cirillo D., Blanco M., Armaos A., Buness A., Avner P., Gutmann M., Cerase A* and Tartaglia G.*, Quantitative predictions of protein interactions with long non-coding RNA. Nature Methods, 2016 Dec 29;14(1):5-6 * Corresponding author.
Chen C.K., Blanco M., Jackson C., Aznauryan E., Ollikainen N., Surka C., Chow A., Cerase A., McDonel P., Guttman M. Xist recruits the X chromosome to the nuclear lamina to enable chromosome-wide silencing. Science, 2016 Oct 28;354(6311):468-472.
Young A.N., Perlas E., Ruiz Blanes N., Buness A., Hierholzer A., Pomella N., Matin-Martin B, Liverziani A., Joanna W. Jachowicz, Thomas Giannakouros, Cerase A*. An N-terminal deletion of LBR N-terminal domains recapitulates Pelger-Huet anomaly phenotypes in mouse without disrupting X chromosome inactivation. Commun. Biol, 4, 478 (2021). *Corresponding author.
Moindrot B.*, Cerase A.*, Coker H., Masui O., Grizenhout A., Pintacuda G., Schermelleh L., Nesterova T.B., Pintacuta G., Brockdorff N. A pooled shRNA screen identifies Rbm15, Spen and Wtap as factors required for Xist RNA-mediated silencing. Cell Reports, 2015 Jul 28. *First author
Cerase A., Smeets D., Tang Y.A., Gdula M., Kraus F. Spivakov M., Moindrot B., Leleu M., Tattermusch A., Demmerle J., Nesterova T.B., Green C., Otte A.P., Schermelleh L. and Brockdorff N. Spatial separation of Xist-RNA and Polycomb proteins revealed by super resolution microscopy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Feb 11;111(6):2235-40
All publications:
Google Scholar
- Elsa Zacco, Laura Broglia, Misuzu Kurihara, Michele Monti , Stefano Gustincich, Annalisa Pastore, Kathrin Plath, Shinichi Nagakawa, Andrea Cerase, Natalia Sanchez de Groot and Gian Gaetano Tartaglia. RNA: The Unsuspected Conductor in the Orchestra of Macromolecular Crowding. Chemical reviews 2024, 124, 8, 4734–4777
- From X-inactivation to neurodevelopment: CHD8-transcription factors (TFs) competitive binding at regulatory regions of CHD8 target genes can contribute to correct neuronal differentiation. Andrea Cerase and Phil Avner.Current Research in Neurobiology. Volume 5, 2023, 100114
Irene Nepita, Simonluca Piazza, Martina Ruglioni, Sofia Cristiani, Emanuele Bosurgi, Tiziano Salvadori, Giuseppe Vicidomini, Alberto Diaspro, Marco Castello, Andrea Cerase, Paolo Bianchini, Barbara Storti and Ranieri Bizzarri. On the Advent of Super-Resolution Microscopy in the Realm of Polycomb Proteins. Biology 2023, 12(3), 374;
- Andreas Hierholzer, Andrea Cerase and Phil Avner. Reply to Galupa et al: Discussing the role of Lppnx in the complexity of the X controlling element, XceReply to Galupa et al: Discussing the role of Lppnx in the complexity of the X controlling element, Xce. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 Feb 14;120(7):e2219685120.
- Patrick Pallier*, Maria Ferrara, Francesca Romagnolo, Evelyne Bichof Maria Teresa Ferretti, Hermona Soreq, Andrea Cerase*. Genetic and epigenetic contribution to sex differences in neurological andneuropsychiatric disorders: implications for therapeutic interventions. Progress in Neurobiology, Volume 219, December 2022, 102353 * Corresponding author.
- Hierholzer A., Chureau C., Liverziani A., Simmler M.C., Cattanach B.M., Rasberry C., Young A., Nerea Ruiz Blanes, Kumar M. Andrea Cerase and Phil Avner. A novel long non-coding RNA influences the choice process in X chromosome inactivation and represents a candidate gene for the X controlling element. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022 Jul 12;119(28).
- Cerase A.*, J. M. Calabrese*, G. Tartaglia*. “Phase separation drives X chromosome inactivation”. News&Views for Nat Struct Mol Biol 29, 183–185 (2022) (IF 2021= 18.361). *Corresponding author.
Enervald E., Powell L.M., Boteva L., Foti R., Blanes Ruiz N., Kibar G., Piszczek A., Cavaleri F., Vingron M., Cerase A† and S. B.C. Buonomo. “RIF1 and KAP1 differentially regulate the choice of inactive versus active X chromosomes”. EMBO Journal, EMBO J (2021)e105862. † Senior author.
Trigiante Giuseppe, Nerea Ruiz Blanes, Andrea Cerase*. Emerging roles of repetitive RNA and repeat containing RNA in nuclear and chromatin organization and gene expression. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. , doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.735527 IF 2020: 6.684 *Corresponding author.
Vincenza Aliperti*, Justyna Skonieczna and Andrea Cerase*. Long Non-coding (lncRNA) role in cell biology, neurodevelopment and neurological disorders. Non-Coding RNA. Non-coding RNA, Non-Coding RNA 2021, 7(2), 36 *Corresponding author.
Cerase A.* , Young A.N., Ruiz Blanes N., Buness A., Sant G. M., Arnold M., Di Giacomo M., Ascolani M., Kumar M., Hierholzer A., Trigiante G., Sarah J. Marzi, Avner P.* Chd8 regulates X chromosome inactivation in mouse through fine-tuning control of Xist expression. Commun. Biol, 4, 485 (2021). First and *Corresponding author.
Young A.N., Perlas E., Ruiz Blanes N., Buness A., Hierholzer A., Pomella N., Matin-Martin B, Liverziani A., Joanna W. Jachowicz, Thomas Giannakouros, Cerase A*. An N-terminal deletion of LBR N-terminal domains recapitulates Pelger-Huet anomaly phenotypes in mouse without disrupting X chromosome inactivation. Commun. Biol, 4, 478 (2021). *Corresponding author.
Andrea Cerase* and Gian Tartaglia*. LncRNA-Polycomb intimate rendezvous. Invited review for the Royal Society Open Biology*, 2020 Sep;10(9):200126 *Corresponding author.
Lee H.M., Kuijer M.B, Ruiz-Blanes N., Ellen P.C., Aita M., Galliano L., Kokot A., Sciaky N., Simon J.M., Bhatnagar S, Philpot B., Cerase A*. A small-molecule screen reveals novel modulators of MeCP2 and X-chromosome inactivation maintenance. The Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders , 2020 Nov 10;12(1):29. doi: 10.1186/s11689-020-09332-* Corresponding author
Cerase A.*, Armaos A.*, Neumayer C., Cid F., Guttman M., Avner P. and Tartaglia G.*. Phase separation drives X chromosome Inactivation: a hypothesis * Corresponding author. First version of the manuscript deposited in BiorXiv (; Nat. Str. Mol. Bio., 2019 May 26(5):331-334.
Gartler S.M, Goldaman M.A., Cerase A. The Xist Locus. Book chapter. Reference Module in Life Sciences, Elsevier. Online.
Cerase Andrea*. Awakening the Sleeping Giant: methods to reactivate the inactive X Chromosome as clinical treatment for X -linked disorders. Journal of Translational Genetics and Genomics. Editorial, March 1st 2018. * Corresponding author.
Pintacuda G*, -
Young A.N. and Cerase A*. Function by structure: Spotlights on Xist RNA. Review. Inaugural paper for Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences (invited), Dec. 19th 2017. *Corresponding author.
Pintacuda G., Wei G., Roustan C., Anil-Kirmitzas B., Solcan N., Cerase A., Castello A., Shabaz M., Moindrot B., Nesterova T., Brockdorff N. hnRNPK recruits PCGF3/5-PRC1 to the Xist RNA B-repeat to establish Polycomb-mediated chromosomal silencing. Mol. Cell, December 7th 2017.
Almeida M., Pintacuda G., Masui O., Koseki Y., Gdula M, Cerase A., Brown D., Mould A., Innocent C., Nakayama M., Shermelleh L., Nesterova T., Koseki H, and Brockdorff N. PCGF3/5-PRC1 initiates Polycomb recruitment in X chromosome inactivation. Science, Jun 9 2017;356(6342.
Cirillo D., Blanco M., Armaos A., Buness A., Avner P., Gutmann M., Cerase A* and Tartaglia G.*, Quantitative predictions of protein interactions with long non-coding RNA. Nature Methods, 2016 Dec 29;14(1):5-6 * Corresponding author.
Chen C.K., Blanco M., Jackson C., Aznauryan E., Ollikainen N., Surka C., Chow A., Cerase A., McDonel P., Guttman M. Xist recruits the X chromosome to the nuclear lamina to enable chromosome-wide silencing. Science, 2016 Oct 28;354(6311):468-472. Epub 2016 Aug 4.
Cerase A. X chromosome inactivation: The Importance of being inactive. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology, Vol 56, Aug. 2016. Editorial for a special issue on X Chromosome Inactivation. *Corresponding author.
Pintacuta G. and Cerase A. * X inactivation lessons from differentiating embryonic stem cells. Cell Reviews and Reports, 2015 Oct;11(5):699-705 *Corresponding author. Cerase A.*,
Pintacuta G., Tattermusch A. and Avner P. Xist localization and function: New insights from multiple levels. Genome Biology, 2015 Aug 15;16:166 * Corresponding author.
Moindrot B., Cerase A.*, Coker H., Masui O., Grizenhout A., Pintacuda G., Schermelleh L., Nesterova T.B., Pintacuta G., Brockdorff N. A pooled shRNA screen identifies Rbm15, Spen and Wtap as factors required for Xist RNA-mediated silencing. Cell Reports, 2015 Jul 28. *Co-first author.
Smeets D., Markaki Y., Volker J. Schmid, Felix Kraus, Tattermusch A., Cerase A., Sterr, M., Fielder S., Demmerle J., Popken J., Leonhardt H., Brockdorff N., Cremer T., Schermelleh L., Cremer M. Three-dimensional super-resolution microscopy of the inactive X chromosome territory reveals a collapse of its active nuclear compartment harboring distinct Xist RNA foci. Epigenetics&Chromatin, 2014 Apr 28;7:8.
Cerase A., Smeets D., Tang Y.A., Gdula M., Kraus F. Spivakov M., Moindrot B., Leleu M., Tattermusch A., Demmerle J., Nesterova T.B., Green C., Otte A.P., Schermelleh L. and Brockdorff N. Spatial separation of Xist-RNA and Polycomb proteins revealed by super resolution microscopy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Feb 11;111(6):2235-40.
Farcas A.M., Blackledge N.P., Sudbery I., Long H.K., McGouran J.F., Rose N.R., Lee S., Sims D., Cerase A., Sheahan T., Koseki H., Brockdorff N., Ponting C., Kessler B.M., J Klose R.J. KDM2B links the Polycomb Repressive Complex 1 (PRC1) to recognition of CpG islands. Elife. 2012 Dec 18;1:e00205.
Casanova M. *, Preissner T. *, Cerase A.#, Poot R., Yamada D., Li X., Appanah R., Bezstarosti K., Demmers J., Koseki H. and Brockdorff N. Polycomblike 2 facilitates recruitment of PRC2 Polycomb-group complexes to the inactive X chromosome and to target loci in ES cells. Development. 2011 Apr;138(8):*equal contribution. #Second author.
Tang Y.A., Huntley D., Montana G., Cerase A., Nesterova T.B., and Brockdorff N. Xist mediated silencing on autosomes is linked to chromosomal domain organization. Epigenetics&Chromatin. 2010 May;3(1):10.
Matarazzo M.R., Cerase A. and D’Esposito, M. Building up the inactive X chromosome. Biol Cell. 2008 Jan;100(1):63-70.
Matarazzo M.R.*, De Bonis M.L.*, Strazzullo M.*, Cerase A.#, Ferraro M.,Vastarelli P., Ballestar E., Esteller M., Kudo S., and M. D’Esposito. Multiple binding of methyl-CpG and polycomb proteins in long-term gene silencing events. Jounal of Cell Physiology 2007 Mar;2010(3):711-9. *Equal contribution, #Second author.
De Bonis M.L., Cerase A.*, Matarazzo M.R., Ferraro M., Strazzullo,M., Hansen R.S. , Chiurazzi P, Neri G. and M. D'Esposito. Maintenance of X-and Y-inactivation of the pseudoautosomal (PAR2) gene SPRY3 is independent from DNA methylation and associated to multiple layers of epigenetic modifications. Human Molecular Genetics 2006 Apr 1;15(7):1123-32. *Co-first author.
Strazzullo M., Cossu A., Baldinu P., Colombino M., Satta M.P., Tanda F., De Bonis M.L., Cerase A., D'Urso M., D'Esposito M., Palmieri G. High-resolution methylation analysis of the hMLH1 promoter in sporadic endometrial and colorectal carcinomas. Cancer 2003 Oct 1;98(7):1540-6.
Unpublished results/reagents and projects at: - Andrea Cerase